دفاعیات هایدگر دربارۀ حوادث ریاست یکساله‌‌اش — فلُّ سَفَه
جمعه، ۱۷ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ | 
Friday, 7 March 2025 | 
شماره: ۳۹۱
نويسنده: محمد سعید حنایی کاشانی
درج: شنبه، ۲۴ آبان ۱۳۹۳ | ۱۱:۳۴ ب ظ
آخرين ويرايش: شنبه، ۲۴ آبان ۱۳۹۳ | ۱۱:۵۰ ب ظ
موضوع: دانشگاه

  • دفاعیات هایدگر دربارۀ حوادث ریاست یکساله‌‌اش

مطلبی که من از قول کسی دربارۀ سخن هایدگر آوردم، معنایش این نیست که آن سخن یقینا درست است! چون آن شخص ‏مدعی بوده است که هایدگر این گونه می‌اندیشیده است و در خلوت ابایی از بر زبان آوردن این سخن نداشته است. این سخن ‏را می‌‌توان طور یا طورهایی دیگر هم تأویل و تفسیر کرد، از جمله نگاه تحقیرآمیزی که هایدگر به همکاران خودش داشته ‏است‎! ‎

به هر تقدیر دربارۀ برخی مسائل تاریخی شاید هیچ گاه حقیقت روشن نشود، اما خواندن سخنان هردو طرف همواره آموزنده ‏است.

مطلب زیر دفاعیات هایدگر است از خودش و اینکه چگونه از نازیها برید و آنها چگونه با او رفتار کردند، در سالهای بعد‎:‎

The following facts may speak for the ways in which my philosophical work was judged and attempts were made to eliminate it:‎

‎1. At the International Congress of Philosophy in Prague in 1935, I neither belonged to the German delegation nor was I even invited to participate.‎

‎2. I was to have been excluded from the Descartes Congress in Paris in ‎1937 in the same way. This action against me seemed so strange to those in Paris that Prof. Brèhier from the Sorbonne asked me, on behalf of the executive committee, why I did not belong to the German delegation; the Congress wanted to invite me on its own to give a lecture. I replied that they should inquire at the Reich Ministry of
Education in Berlin about this case. After a while I received an invitation from Berlin to join the delegation.

The whole matter was handled in such a way that it became impossible for me to go to Paris
with the German delegation.‎ During the war a publication of accounts of the humanities in Germany
was being prepared. Nic. Hartmann 28 was in charge of the section “Systematic Philosophy.” A three-day conference was held in Berlin to plan this undertaking. All professors of philosophy were invited except for Jaspers and myself. We were of no use because an attack on “existential philosophy” was being planned in connection with this publication, which was indeed later carried out.29 In this case, too, as earlier during the rectorate, my opponents showed a strange ‎willingness to ally themselves, despite the oppositions that divided them, against everything by ‎which they felt spiritually threatened and put into question.‎

But these events, too, are only a fleeting appearance on the waves of a movement of our history, whose

dimensions the Germans still do not suspect, even after the catastrophe has descended upon them. ‎


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